Morning Star Poetry

Light Shall Shine Out of Darkness!

Tag: palindrome

  • Stirring Souls

    Stirring Souls

    Jesus said, “Have faith in me, and you will have life-giving water flowing from deep inside you, just as the Scriptures say.” John 7:38 Love produces hope eternal blooming perpetually by unrelenting mercy and redeeming ever grace with revelation insight amid unending wisdom towards stirring souls – King of Kings and Lord of Lords strong…

  • Forgiven Now

    Forgiven Now

    For You, Lord, are good, and ready to forgive, and abundant in mercy to all those who call upon You. Psalm 86:5 Redeemed forever now and inwardly renewed,heroically ransomed although undeserving still,divine grace cascading love abounding amongrescued souls, opened minds, softened heartsreaping genuine faith and repentance true;extending unmerited favor, lavishingmercies upon mercies interposingfull and final pardon amplyerased all sins presentlyhere and nowforgivennow and…

  • Gardener


    Thorns among surviving liliesstill darkness hides silentlytrue  glory  shining  brightradiant  blooming petalslush  and  colorful oasispermeating fragrancepruning and lovingperpetual springsfertile  groundChrist withinLivingwithin Christground  fertilesprings perpetualloving and pruningfragrance permeatingoasis colorful  and  lushpetals blooming  radiantbright  shining  glory  truesilently hides darkness stilllilies surviving among thorns Lord, help us not be afraid of those who scorn, even if thistles and thorns are…

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